Sunday, September 11, 2011
Meditation Quotes
Meditation Quotes
- Meditation is the art of staying in this present moment. A sleepy person either lives in the past moment or is dreaming about the future life. But a meditator stays in this present moment and is alert about his thoughts and actions.
- Any action done with awareness is meditation. Meditation means to be fully aware of our actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions. Another name of meditation is passive awareness.
- Meditation is not concerned with any activity but it is concerned with our alertness while doing any action. Meditation means to add awareness and alertness in our actions.
- Meditation is not thinking about any god, chanting any mantra or practicing any concentration exercise. Meditation is to be passively aware of our thoughts and feelings.
- Concentration exercises makes the mind stronger. Meditation does not make the mind strong but it takes us beyond the mind. Meditation is all about dis-identifying with the mind. Meditation is to be alert about our thoughts and witnessing our desires rather than indulging in them.
- Meditation is to know oneself as one is. It is see our real face with out any mask. When we practice meditation then we are bound to come across dark side of our nature which we are suppressing in our unconscious mind. But through meditation we can transform these desires by being a passive watcher of them.
- Passive witnessing of thoughts and desires transforms them. Witnessing means to watch the thoughts with out interpreting, interfering or analyzing them. Witnessing is the art of just watching the thoughts coming and going.
- Meditation is not concentration. Concentration makes the mind strong and one pointed. Whereas meditation makes the mind weaker and with constant meditation mind loses its grip on us. Meditation takes us beyond the mind and it is an process of dis-identifying with the mind.
- Meditation is an twenty hour affair. One hour of meditation can not tackle the unconsciousness of rest of the day. Slowly we should bring our meditative quality in all our actions.
- Meditation can be practiced all the time and even in a market place. Meditation is all about being conscious and aware of our actions, thoughts and feelings.
- Meditation is not an goal or achievement. Meditation has no seeking or desire. In meditation we become aware of our desires and goals. If some one is seeking any goal through meditation then it is another game of mind and not worth pursuing it.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
10 Ten Codes Cops Robbers
Ten Codes
The Ten Codes are a list of codes used by law enforcement officers in the United States. They are available on the Internet which would make them seem inappropriate for this list, but a large number of police departments have tried to have them made illegal for distribution, so they deserve a mention. The codes were developed initially in 1937 and were expanded in 1974. The California Police use a variety of extra codes which predated the ten codes. For example, a 187 (one eighty-seven) means homicide. In the ten codes system, a 10-31 means that a crime is in progress, a 10-27-1 means homicide (the 10 is usually not said when it is a three-number sequence), and a 10-00 (ten double-zero) means “officer down – all patrols respond.
Professional Codes
In computer support, a variety of codes can be used when referring to a customer. One of these codes has become fairly well known on the internet: PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair) but there are a variety of others that are lesser known. One of these is used when reporting a fault which has been fixed: “The fault was a PICNIC” (problem in chair – not in computer), or “ID 10 T Error” – ID 10 T is, of course, IDIOT. Let us hope that you never see this noted down on your file when a serviceman is fixing your computer.
Time Check
Time Check (usually taking a similar form to: “Time check: the time is 12:00″) can be a code in stores for a bomb alert. It alerts the staff to follow the bomb procedure, which can be to either try to locate any suspicious packages, or to prepare to get the hell out. If you hear a time check in a store, it is probably a good idea to start moving toward the exit. Surprisingly – and shockingly, the majority of stores that use this code actually expect their staff to search for the bomb – certainly an aspect of the job that the majority of teenaged checkout operators weren’t expecting when they signed up I am sure.
Code 10
A code 10 in hospitals can refer to a mass casualty or serious threat (such as a bomb alert), but the majority of people experiencing a code 10 will do so for another far more common reason: a “code 10 authorization” is made by a merchant when he needs to call a credit card company to enquire about your card. This means that he is suspicious of you or your card and doesn’t want you to know it while he gets it checked out. When the credit card company hears that they have a code 10, they will ask a series of yes/no questions to the merchant in order to find out what the situation is. This will often result in the merchant keeping your card if they believe it is safe to do so. This type of call often results in a call to law enforcement.
Doctor Brown
“Doctor Brown” is a code word often used in hospitals to alert security staff to a threat to personnel. If a nurse or doctor is in danger from a violent patient or non-staff member, they can page Doctor Brown to their location and the security staff will rush to their aid. In some hospitals, code silver is used to refer to a person with a weapon, and code gray can mean a violent person without a weapon. Hospitals have a huge array of various codes to describe all manner of situations. They often differ from hospital to hospital and they are usually not internationally recognized. [Image courtesy of The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]
Code Oscar
On a ship, a code oscar means someone has gone overboard. If the ship has to maneuver erratically to handle the situation, it must also send out blasts on the signal so that other ships nearby are aware of the fact that it is about to change its course. It should be noted that ships don’t have an internationally standardized set of PA signals and they can differ from place to place, but this is a fairly commonly used one. Oh – and a code delta can mean that there is a biological hazard – though who knows what that might be on a passenger ship. And finally, Code Alpha often means “medical emergency”.
Code Bravo
Code Bravo is the code phrase for a general security alert at airports. Unlike most of the codes on this list, the code is meant to cause alarm – but not through knowing what it means: when this alert is raised, all of the security agents will begin to yell “Code Bravo” in order to frighten the passengers – this is supposed to make it easier for the agents to locate the source of the problem without interference from the general public. For those of you who travel on ships from time to time, you may like to know that Code Bravo means “fire” and it is the most serious alert on a ship – if it burns, you either get off or burn with it. Ships also often use sound signals, such as 7 short and 1 long, meaning “man the lifeboats”.
Inspector Sands
Inspector Sands (or sometimes Mr Sands), is a code for fire in the United Kingdom. Obviously it would not be appropriate for the service staff of a store to announce a fire publicly, so this code is used to alert the appropriate staff to the danger without upsetting customers. The wording differs from place to place and in the Underground network a recorded “Inspector Sands” warning is automatically triggered by smoke detectors. In some shops you will hear the code used in a phrase such as “Will inspector Sands please report to the men’s changing room” if the fire is in the men’s changing room. It was played on a continuous loop through the underground during the July 7, 2005 bombings, and has been incorrectly described as a code word for a bomb – the frequently used code for a bomb in the Underground is “Mr Gravel” – for example, “Mr Gravel is in the foyer”. Mr Sands (or sometimes Mr Johnson) is also used in theaters in the case of fire. You can listen to a recording of the Underground “Inspector Sands” warning here.
WalMart gets its own item on this list because they have a large number of codes that are store specific. Some of their codes should not worry you – for example a code 10 or a code 20 just means that there has been a dry spill or a wet spill – the biggest danger this poses to you is that you might slip over. A code 300 calls for security and a code orange means there has been a chemical spill. But here are the ones you really need to worry about: Code red means there is a fire in the building – get the hell out if you hear this. Worse still, a code blue means there is a bomb in the building. Exit swiftly but don’t run – in case they think you planted it. A code green means there is a hostage situation and a code white means there is an accident. The one you are most likely to hear is a code c which is simply a call for customer service (usually meaning that more cashiers are needed). And finally – the most famous WalMart code… well, it’s so famous it needs its own item:
Code Adam
Code Adam was invented by Walmart but it is now an internationally recognized alert. It means “missing child”. The code was first coined in 1994 in memory of Adam Walsh, a six-year old, who went missing in a Sears department store in Florida in 1981. Adam was later found murdered. The person making the announcement will state “we have a code Adam,” followed by a description of the missing child. As soon as the alert is heard, security staff will begin to monitor the doors and other exits. If the child is not found within 10 minutes, the police are alerted and a store search begins. Also, if the child is found in the first 10 minutes in the company of an unknown adult, the police must be called and the person detained if it is safe to do so. In 2003, the US Congress passed legislation making a “Code Adam” program compulsory in all federal office buildings. A similar alert is called an AMBER alert, a backronym for “America’s Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response” but initially named for Amber Hagerman, a 9 year old girl who was abducted and murdered.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Pervanenin kanatlarında -son(Tiryandafila)
Despina anne onun buzlar üzerine yığılan bedenini kaldırmak için sarıldıysa da bun başaramadı. Başını buzlardan kaldırıp elleri arasına aldığında buz kesen parmaklarını ızıtmak için gözlerinden akan yaşka başka birşey bulamadı. Gözlerinden süzülen yaşlar Ebubekir Efendinin yanaklarında buz kesiyor, ama onu kendine getirmeye yetmiyordu. Despina anne hıçkırmaya , kesik kesik çığlıklar atarak yardım istemeye başladığında imdadına camiden çıkan birkaç kişi yetişt. Ebubekir efendiyi caminin misafir odasına getirip ocağında birkaç odun tutuşturdular. Gece yarısına kadar ne yaptılarda Ebubekir efendiyi kendisine gelmedi. Despina anne hiç kimseye söylemediği sırrı ile onun başında bekliyor, rahibe olmanın gereğini yerine getirdğini söylerek evine gitmesi gerektiğine dair teklifleri kabul etmiyordu. Hatta gece yarısından az sonra yanındakileri , kendisinin gündüz uyuduğu , dolayısıyla hastanın başında sabaha kadar bekleyebilceği gerekçesiyle evlerine gönderdi. Talnız kaldıklarında ise Ebubekir efendinin başını dizlerine aldı. Ve ilk defa elini yüzüne götürüp artık tamamen beyazkalşmış olan sakallerını akşayarak dualar etmeye başladı. Dilinn ucunda neşideler dökülürken içinden de “ Adımı bir kerecik olsun sana söyleyemediğim için acaba bana kızgın mısın Ebubekir efendi? Sen beni Tiryandafila olarak sevdin diye ben Despina olmaktan çok Tiryandafila olarak yaşadım.”
Sabahın ilk ışıklarıyla kasabada yeni bir hayat başlıyordu. Bulutlar dağılmış, güneşin sıcaklığı hissedilir olmuş, buzlar erimeye yüz tutmuştu. Bu gün bereketli bir gün idi. Halk köşe başlarında birikip edilen duaların kabul olduğu ve Tanrı’nın gazabının kasabadan çekildiği üzerine konuşmalar , sohbetler yapıyorlar, yaşma sevincini paylaşıyorlardı. Sevinçler güneş ışığı olup denize yansımaya yüz tuttuğunda, Ebubekir efendi de yavaş yavaş kendine gelmeye başlıdı. Başı bir kadının sevkatli bağrıyla örtülmüş, hiçbir şey görmeden öylece yattığını hissetti. Dimağında ezelden tanıdık kokular, zihninde ayrılıkları kovulmuş vuslatlar, aklında özleyişlerden kaçmış mutluluklar vardı. Tiryandafila’nın nefesindeki kesik kesik tıslamaları , kalbinden gelen aksak ritimleri hissedince telaşlandı. Bekledi, “uyuyor olmalı” diye düşündü. Biraz beklemeyi sıcaklığını duymayı istedi. Ama hayır, bu normal bir vücudun sıcaklığını duymayı istedi. Ama hayır, bu normal bir vücudun sıcaklığına benzemiyordu ve bütün bedeni içten içe sarsılır gibi titriyordu. Birden kollarını kaldırıp sevgilisini kucakladı. Meğer gece rüzgardan ocak sönmüş, despina anne yakacak odun bulamayınca çevresinde bulduğu herşeyi ocağa atmış, sonunda çaresiz Ebubekir Efendi’nin üzerine kapaklanarak onun donmaması için bedeninin bütün kuşatıcılığıyla onu sarıp sarmalamıştı. On sekiz yaşında bir genç kız iken yapamadığını , şimdi kırkını aşmış bir rahibe olarak yapmaktan hem gurur, hem de haz duymulştu üstelik. Sevdiği ve aşkını berrak haliyle saklayabilmek uğruna rahibe olmayı yeğlediği , sadakatini hiçbir gün eksiltmediği Ebubekir efendi , zayıf düşmüş bedeniyle şşimdi dizlerinde ölürse diye korkusundan bütün enerjisini, bütün sıcaklığını ona vermiş , sırtına vuran gecenin ayazına aladırmadan, parmaklarının hissetmeyecek kadar üşüdüğünü bilmeden ve nemli gölerini hiç kapamadan sabahın ışıklarına ulaşmıştı.
Ebubekir efendi elleriyle onun bedenini doğrultup gözlerini açtığında ilk gördüğü şey , kucağında yattığı kadının yana doğru düşmeye başlayan boynunun güöüş zarfta asılı duran tek inci oldu. Bu, onun pazısında sakladığı incilerin sonuncusuydu ve demekki bunca zamandır sevgilinin bağrında yer edinmişti. Kalbinin o anda durmasından korkup kollarından birini Despina’nın boynuna uzattı, diğeriyle omuzuna yakın bir yerdeki pazıpendini tutarak,
Tiryandafila, dedi, son inci tanesinin son mektubunu bana hiç göndermedin!
O zaman seni kaybederdim, diye cevapladı zorlukla nefes alırken.
Son mektubunu alsaydım bile sana son şiiri asla yollamıcaktım.
Bili-yorum sevgilim, bi-li-yo-rum!...
Despina Ebubekir efendinin başını tutan elini binbir güçlükle kaldırıp boynundaki inciyi çıkararak sevdiği adamın avucuna usulca bıraktığında ebubekir efendi irkilerek doğrulmaya çalıştı. Çünkü Tiryandafila’nın başı öne doru düşüyor, yıllar önce gördüğü kumral saçları siyah başörtüsünün altından dalga dalga yüzüne dökülüyordu.Kendisini kaybettiğini o anda farketti ve derhal toparlanıp onu kucakladı. Bedenindeki hareketin sınırlı olduğunu görünce de durmadan adını sayıklayarak sarsmaya başladı. Bu sefer sevdiği kadın onun kucağında hareketsiz duruyordu. Onu kendine getirir umuduyla Ebubekir Efendi pazıpendini açıp incileri avucuna doldurmaya başladı. Onun yumuşak ellerini avucunun içine alıp sıkmaya, incileri içinde ritmik hareketlerle ileri geri yuvarlamaya başladı. Despina gözünü açmak için büyük gayret sarfediyor ama kısa aralıklarla uykuya dalıyordu. Ebubekir efendi avazı çıktığı kadar bağırıyor, birilerinin yardıma koşmasını istiyor, ama sesi kasabanın sevinç çığlıkları arasında kaybolup gidiyordu. Çaresiz kaldığında da ona pazıpendinin içindeki son aşk şiirini çıkarıp okumak geldi aklına. Beyitleri birer birer okurken gözlerinden dökülen yaşlar, despinanın yanaklarını okaşayan ellerini de ıslatıyordu. Sevgilisinin yüzündeki son gülümseme, şiirin son beytinde aydınlandı ve ölmek üzere olan cennetlik insanların yüzüne yansıyan mutluluklar gibi odayı doldurdu.
Ebubekir efendi Limni de kaldığı iki yıl boyunca hergün şafak sökerjen Tiryandafila(despina)’nın mezarı başında dua etti ve İstanbul’a döneceği zaman kırk inciyle birlikte kırk tek saçı da mezarının başına gömdü.
Despina Anne’nin mezarı Limni’de uzun müddet Azize beatrice gibi hürmetle ziyaret edildi. Genç aşıklar onun taşı üzerine mumlar adaklar adadılar.
Ebubekir efendi limniden geldikten altı ay sonra İstanbul’da öldü ve Eyüp sultan kabristanlığına gömüldü. Daha sonra şiiirleri ile Hırrename başta olmak üzere mektupları birer kitapta toplandı. Çeşitli kütüphanelerde konuldu.
Despinanın babası gibi papaza olan kardeşi tiryandafil, ablasının ölümünden tam otuz yıl sonra mora’daki büyük isyanda, sırf onun hatırasına saygı olsın diye bir Türk delikanlısını üç gece evinde saklıyarak canını kurtardı ve birbirni çok seven ablası ile Ebubekir Efendi’nin aşklarını kutsamış oldu.
Ebubekir Kani efendi şair ve yazar olarak unutuldu, ama “ kırk yıllık kani olur mu ani” sözü Türkçe deyimler arasında yüzyıllarca kullanılmaya devam etti.
Ebubekir efendinin voyvoda alexander ile birlikte silistre de resmedildiği bir portresi bükreş sinaia Müzesine konuldu.
Mora isyanı’ndan sonra Türk ve yunan uluslar arasında düşmanlık tohumu ekenler, yazık ki hiç eksi k olmadı.
Despina ve ebubekir efendinin aşkı belki birilerine tarihin birlikteliklerini hatırlatır diye bu öyküyü yazdık.
Pick Punch
Every guy picks up a guitar for the first time with the sole purpose of getting girls. It starts in a dorm room somewhere, as you awkwardly try to make your way through Stairway to Heaven, and, for those with enough determination, it ends on a huge stage with scores women waiting for you to finish your set. Whether you’re a pro or you’re still putting calluses on your fingertips, you’re most likely going through bucket-loads of picks. With the Pick Punch, you’ve got a new pick waiting for you just about anywhere. The Pick Punch looks like a hole punch, but instead of punching little tiny holes in loose-leaf that somehow wind up all over your clothes, it punches new guitar picks. Old bus pass? That’s a pick. Soda bottle? That’s a pick too. Shoe-obsessed girlfriend’s credit card? Definite pick. $25
Bees Solve Complex Problems Faster Than Supercomputers
In a new study, researchers report that bumblebees were able to figure out the most efficient routes among several computer-controlled "flowers," quickly solving a complex problem that even stumps supercomputers. We already know bees are pretty good at facial recognition, and researchers have shown they can also be effective air-quality monitors. Bumblebees can solve the classic "traveling salesman" problem, which keeps supercomputers busy for days. They learn to fly the shortest possible route between flowers even if they find the flowers in a different order, according to a new British study.
The traveling salesman problem is a problem in computer science; it involves finding the shortest possible route between cities, visiting each city only once. Bees are the first animals to figure this out, according to Queen Mary University of London researchers.
Bees need lots of energy to fly, so they seek the most efficient route among networks of hundreds of flowers using angles of sunlight, which helps them find their way home, researchers say. To do this, their tiny brains must pack a powerful memory.
To test bee problem-solving, researchers Lars Chittka and Mathieu Lihoreau tested bees’ response to computer-controlled artificial flowers. They wanted to see whether the bees would go after the flowers in the order in which they were discovered, or if they would figure out the shortest route among all the flowers even as new ones were added. The bees explored the locations of the flowers and quickly figured out the shortest paths among them, according to a Queen Mary news release.
This is no small feat, especially considering the tiny size of bee brains. When it comes to certain types of intelligence, size apparently does not matter.
Earlier this year, researchers showed that bees recognize individual faces because they can make out the relative patterns that make up a face. The new research further suggests bees are highly sophisticated problem solvers, and that better understanding of their brains could improve our understanding of network problems like traffic flows, supply chains and epidemiology.
The research will be published this week in the journal The American Naturalist.
In a new study, researchers report that bumblebees were able to figure out the most efficient routes among several computer-controlled "flowers," quickly solving a complex problem that even stumps supercomputers. We already know bees are pretty good at facial recognition, and researchers have shown they can also be effective air-quality monitors.
Bumblebees can solve the classic "traveling salesman" problem, which keeps supercomputers busy for days. They learn to fly the shortest possible route between flowers even if they find the flowers in a different order, according to a new British study.
The traveling salesman problem is a problem in computer science; it involves finding the shortest possible route between cities, visiting each city only once. Bees are the first animals to figure this out, according to Queen Mary University of London researchers.
Bees need lots of energy to fly, so they seek the most efficient route among networks of hundreds of flowers using angles of sunlight, which helps them find their way home, researchers say. To do this, their tiny brains must pack a powerful memory.
To test bee problem-solving, researchers Lars Chittka and Mathieu Lihoreau tested bees’ response to computer-controlled artificial flowers. They wanted to see whether the bees would go after the flowers in the order in which they were discovered, or if they would figure out the shortest route among all the flowers even as new ones were added. The bees explored the locations of the flowers and quickly figured out the shortest paths among them, according to a Queen Mary news release.
This is no small feat, especially considering the tiny size of bee brains. When it comes to certain types of intelligence, size apparently does not matter.
Earlier this year, researchers showed that bees recognize individual faces because they can make out the relative patterns that make up a face. The new research further suggests bees are highly sophisticated problem solvers, and that better understanding of their brains could improve our understanding of network problems like traffic flows, supply chains and epidemiology.
The research will be published this week in the journal The American Naturalist.
The traveling salesman problem is a problem in computer science; it involves finding the shortest possible route between cities, visiting each city only once. Bees are the first animals to figure this out, according to Queen Mary University of London researchers.
Bees need lots of energy to fly, so they seek the most efficient route among networks of hundreds of flowers using angles of sunlight, which helps them find their way home, researchers say. To do this, their tiny brains must pack a powerful memory.
To test bee problem-solving, researchers Lars Chittka and Mathieu Lihoreau tested bees’ response to computer-controlled artificial flowers. They wanted to see whether the bees would go after the flowers in the order in which they were discovered, or if they would figure out the shortest route among all the flowers even as new ones were added. The bees explored the locations of the flowers and quickly figured out the shortest paths among them, according to a Queen Mary news release.
This is no small feat, especially considering the tiny size of bee brains. When it comes to certain types of intelligence, size apparently does not matter.
Earlier this year, researchers showed that bees recognize individual faces because they can make out the relative patterns that make up a face. The new research further suggests bees are highly sophisticated problem solvers, and that better understanding of their brains could improve our understanding of network problems like traffic flows, supply chains and epidemiology.
The research will be published this week in the journal The American Naturalist.
Friday, January 7, 2011
80 Controversial and Disturbing Print Ads
80 Controversial and Disturbing Print Ads
Let’s look at these advertisements objectively with an open and analytical mind and appreciate the creativity that went into it. One has to wonder how the creative directors and designers came up with these concepts. What was the thought process and rational behind their radical ideas? Was there prior censorship and surveying done in a control group before the decision to go ahead with the advert was made? No matter the response, such advertisements do exist and are on the rise. Does challenging the norm by being controversial and extreme payoff by leaving an impact or making an impression on viewers? This is an answer we’d love to find out.Here are 80 controversial advertisements that challenge the boundaries of what is socially and morally acceptable with the use of dark humour and shock tactics. These print advertisements often use gore, vulgarity, sex, violence, and sometimes religion to promote their products or bring across the organisations’ message. These adverts either challenge social, political or moral propriety. That is why some of these advertisements are banned in certain countries. Although the use of such adverts can be effective, it is not for the faint of heart or small of mind. Not everyone can appreciate the beauty in such clever and deliberate ugliness.
Just liquid hand wash: Cockroaches
Ariel: Pervert
Amnesty International: Archery
AMAM - Association of Women Against Genital Mutilation: Plastic doll
Alka-Seltzer: New Year
Alac: Kitchen
Ace: Tarantula
A Bela Sintra: Foot
WWF: Blood
Amnesty International: Red Little Tender
Vergessen ist ansteckend: Tub
TMF: Army
Superette: Elevator
AIDS Awareness Campaign: Gay
Stella Coffee Pot: Spider
SPID Advertising
Solid Paint: Cross
Skins: Defy Genetics
Shared Responsibility: Kidnapping
Semorin: Mustard
Save the Children: Child Labour
Sanctuary, Save the tiger: Binocular
RSPCA: Woman
Pedestrian Council of Australia: Family
Popeye Detergent Hipoalergenic: Hell raiser
Pastorini Toy Store
Oust: Everything has consequences
Nycomed: Agony
Cerveira Art Biennial: Botticelli
Pet flea & tick spot on: Haircut
MTV: Shot, Girl
Multiple Sclerosis Australia: Use By Dates
Masterlock: Hippes
Lung cancer awareness: One
Love Life Stop Aids: Space
Glassing Sunglasses: Kiss my glass
Ariel Plus: Ketchup
RSF: Ink
IndyAct: Bobcat
Workplace Safety Insurance Board: Sign
Colombian Association of Arterial Hypertension: Home
Humans for Animals: Seal
Gringo’s Tequila: El Matador Peligroso
Fur Free: Angry Fox
Findus Fraich'Frites
Foundation Abbé Pierre: The Lifeguard
Filigranes Bookstore: Las Vegas
Procter & Gamble / Febreze: Fly
Fashion Outlet Zurich: Cow
Family Network Foundation: Dad
Ramorama: Expose Yourself
Emirates Arthritis Foundation: Painful
Government of the State of Santa Catarina: Hamburger
13th Street
Concordia Children’s Services: Piglets
E.N.P.A: Spray
Colin glass cleaner: Spider Anti-Cigarette Butt Pollution Campaign: Catfish
Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers: England
Child Health Foundation: The Scream
Casa Do Menor: Hands
Casa & Perfume air freshener: Fish
Caribu Bitter: Poison
Caribu Bitter: Canari
Canex: Spaniel
Eagle Print Awards 2009: Cactus
NSW Health
Aware Helpline: Verbal abuse
Ashtraymouth: Roach girl
Vancouver Aquarium
One Life Shower
Domestic Violence: Piece of meat
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Good Parent
Domestic Violence: Living Room
Too Much To Handle?
What do you think of these extreme advertisements? Do you think their shock tactics worked? Are you for or against such advertising concepts? If these are not the most shocking or disturbing advertisements you’ve seen or you’ve seen others that deserve a mention, feel free to share them with us. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of extreme advertising prints.
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